Hello, my name is Rexford Koduah and I am a Web Developer. I have a unique ability for attention to detail along with fixing and identifying problems. My previous background was in Chemistry, analyzing, studying, and mixing different compounds together to make something greater.
As a Web-Developer I've internalized these principles in my work, bringing different properties together to create a whole. I love learning new technologies and finding more efficient ways of accomplishing tasks. I am a self taught Developer who feels comfortable constantly learning and growing.
I'm very proficient in Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Sass, Angular, ReactJs, and Java. I am also proficient with workflow build tools such as Gulp, Version Control tools such as Git, as well as web accessibility and 508 compliance standards.
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A color learning game that teaches people about the RGB color-scheme by matching a given R(red) G(green) B(blue) value to the correct color.
Look up any movie and find valuable information about that movie. All movies are quarried from the MovieDB.
I would like to thank all visitors for taking the time to visit my page. I hope you enjoyed the experience. Currently, I am looking for work and I am also open to new opportunities. The best way to contact me is by email at:
For any other inquiries, please refer to my resume provided
in the link below.
Thank you.